1 | Analysis of fishy taint in duck eggs reveals the causative constituent of the fishy odor and factors affecting the perception ability of this odor. Poult Sci. 2019, 98(10):5198-5207. IF:2.537. 通訊作者. |
2 | The gut microbiota is largely independent of host genetics in regulating fat deposition in chickens. ISME J. 2019, 13(6):1422-1436. IF:10.872. 共同通訊作者. |
3 | Impact of cuticle quality and eggshell thickness on egg antibacterial efficiency. Poult Sci. 2019, 98(2):940-948. IF:2.537. 通訊作者. |
4 | Comparative study of eggshell antibacterial effectivity in precocial and altricial birds using Escherichia coli.PLoS One. 2019, 14(7):e0220054. IF:3.234. 通訊作者. |
5 | Eggshell cuticle removal employing acetic acid, vinegar and citric acid improves hatching performance in quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Poult Sci. 2020. IF:2.537. 通訊作者. |
6 | Fishy Odor and TMA Content Levels in Duck Egg Yolks. J Food Sci. 2018 Jan;83(1):39-45. IF:2.081. 通訊作者. |
7 | Salmonella Contamination in Layer Farms in China: Detection and Genetic Analysis. J Poult Sci. 2018,55(1):1-9. IF:0.670. 通訊作者. |
8 | The Distribution Characteristics and Applications for Maternal Cells on Chicken Egg Vitelline Membrane. Sci Rep. 2017, 7(1):6626. IF:4.405. 通訊作者. |
9 | Salmonella Enteritidis in Layer Farms of Different Sizes Located in Northern China: On-Farm Sampling and Detection by the PCR Method.Brazilian J Poult Sci. 2017, 19(3):377-386. IF:0.607. 通訊作者. |
10 | Genetic architecture dissection by genome-wide association analysis reveals avian eggshell ultrastructure traits.Sci Rep. 2016,6:28836. IF:4.405. 共同通訊作者. |
11 | The influences of SE infection on layers' production performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indicators. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2014, 5(1):4. IF:3.441. 共同第一作者. |
12 | Molecular cloning, sequence characterization, SNP detection, and tissue expression analysis of duck FMO3 gene. Mol Cell Biochem. 2013,379(1-2):141-51. IF:2.884. 共同第一作者. |
13 | Quail FMO3 gene cloning, tissue expression profiling, polymorphism detection and association analysis with fishy taint in eggs. PLoS One. 2013, 8(11):e81416. IF:3.234. 共同第一作者. |
14 | Methylation status of cMHM and expression of sex-specific genes in adult sex-reversed female chickens. Sex Dev. 2011, 5(3):147-54. IF:2.25. 共同第一作者. |
15 | Expression profiles of genes within a subregion of chicken major histocompatibility complex B in spleen after Marek's disease virus infection. Poult Sci. 2010, 89(10):2123-9. IF:2.537. 共同第一作者. |
16 | Degree of sex differentiation of genetic female chicken treated with different doses of an aromatase inhibitor. Sex Dev. 2008;2(6):309-15. IF:2.25. 共同第一作者. |
17 | Deficiency of growth hormone receptor does not affect male reproduction in dwarf chickens. Poult Sci. 2007, 86(1):112-7. IF:2.537. 第一作者. |
18 | 畜禽產品風味與評價技術的研究進展.中國畜牧雜志. 2020.DOI: 10.19556/j.0258-7033.20190612-03. 通訊作者. |
19 | 蛋殼膠護膜研究進展. 畜牧獸醫學報.2020, 51(1): 18-26. 通訊作者. |
20 | 蛋殼膠護膜性狀的遺傳特性及其與蛋殼品質性狀的關聯分析.畜牧獸醫學報. 2018,49(4):659-666. 通訊作者. |
21 | 品種、周齡、保存時間及保存條件對雞蛋膠護膜品質的影響.中國家禽. 2018,40(17):35-39. 通訊作者. |
22 | 飼糧添加新鮮檸檬和檸檬酸對產蛋雞生產性能和蛋品質的影響. 中國家禽. 2017,39(16):27-30. 通訊作者. |
23 | 雞蛋產品鑒偽技術的構建. 食品工業科技. 2017, 38(1):300-303. 通訊作者. |
24 | 鳥類性別決定候選基因在性反轉雞胚中的表達. 遺傳. 2007, 29(1): 81-86. 第一作者 |