1. Zhu F, Yin ZT, Wang Z, Smith J, Zhang F. et al. Three chromosome-level duck genome assemblies provide insights into genomic variation during domestication, Nature Communications, 10,2021.(通訊作者)
2. Yin Z, Lian L, Zhu F, Zhang ZH, Hincke M, Yang N, Hou ZC: The transcriptome landscapes of ovary and three oviduct segments during chicken (Gallus gallus) egg formation. GENOMICS 2020, 112(1):243-251.(通訊作者)
3. Zhu F, Cui QQ, Yang YZ, Hao JP, Yang FX, Hou ZC: Genome-wide association study of the level of blood components in Pekin ducks. GENOMICS 2020, 112(1):379-387. (通訊作者)
4. Deng MT, Zhu F, Yang YZ, Yang FX, Hao JP, Chen SR, Hou ZC: Genome-wide association study reveals novel loci associated with body size and carcass yields in Pekin ducks. BMC GENOMICS 2019, 20(1):1. (通訊作者)
5.Ding S, Li G, Chen S, Zhu F, Hao J, Yang F, Hou Z: Comparison of carcass and meat quality traits between lean and fat Pekin ducks. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci 2019. (通訊作者)
6. Wang Z, Yin ZT, Zhang F, Li XQ, Chen SR, Yang N, Porter TE, Hou Z: Dynamics of transcriptome changes during subcutaneous preadipocyte differentiation in ducks. BMC GENOMICS 2019, 20(1):688. (通訊作者)
7. Xing K, Zhao X, Ao H, Chen S, Yang T, Tan Z, Wang Y, Zhang F, Liu Y, Ni H et al: Transcriptome analysis of miRNA and mRNA in the livers of pigs with highly diverged backfat thickness. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1):16740. (通訊作者)
8. Yan W, Sun C, Zheng J, Wen C, Ji C, Zhang D, Chen Y, Hou Z*, Yang N*: Efficacy of Fecal Sampling as a Gut Proxy in the Study of Chicken Gut Microbiota. FRONT MICROBIOL 2019, 10:2126. (共同通訊作者)
9. Yin ZT, Zhu F, Lin FB, Jia T, Wang Z, Sun DT, Li GS, Zhang CL, Smith J, Yang N et al: Revisiting avian 'missing' genes from de novo assembled transcripts. BMC GENOMICS 2019, 20(1):4. (通訊作者)
10. Yin Z, Zhang F, Smith J, Kuo R, Hou ZC: Full-length transcriptome sequencing from multiple tissues of duck, Anas platyrhynchos. SCI DATA 2019, 6(1):275. (通訊作者)
11. Zhu F, Cheng SR, Yang YZ, Hao JP, Yang FX, Hou ZC: Genome-Wide Association Study of Growth and Feeding Traits in Pekin Ducks. FRONT GENET 2019, 10:702. (通訊作者)
12. Zhu F, Zhang F, Hincke M, Yin ZT, Chen SR, Yang N, Hou ZC: iTRAQ-Based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Duck Eggshell During Biomineralization. PROTEOMICS 2019, 19(11):e1900011. (通訊作者)
13. Hou Z, An L, Han J, Yuan Y, Chen D, Tian J: Revolutionize livestock breeding in the future: an animal embryo-stem cell breeding system in a dish. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 2018, 9:90. (通訊作者)
14. Lin FB, Zhu F, Hao JP, Yang FX, Hou ZC: In vivo prediction of the carcass fatness using live body measurements in Pekin ducks. Poult Sci 2018, 97(7):2365-2371. (通訊作者)
15. Wu Y*, Zhang Y*, Hou Z*, Fan G, Pi J, Sun S, Chen J, Liu H, Du X, Shen J et al: Population genomic data reveal genes related to important traits of quail. GIGASCIENCE 2018, 7(5). (共同第一作者)
16. Liu L, Fan Y, Zhang Z, Yang C, Geng T, Gong D, Hou Z, Ning Z: Analysis of gene expression and regulation implicates C2H9orf152 has an important role in calcium metabolism and chicken reproduction. ANIM REPROD SCI 2017, 176:1-10. (通訊作者)
17. Zhu F, Gao Y, Lin F, Hao J, Yang F, Hou Z: Systematic analysis of feeding behaviors and their effects on feed efficiency in Pekin ducks. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 2017, 8:81. (通訊作者)
18. Jin S, Zhu F, Wang Y, Yi G, Li J, Lian L, Zheng J, Xu G, Jiao R, Gong Y et al: Deletion of Indian hedgehog gene causes dominant semi-lethal Creeper trait in chicken. Sci Rep 2016, 6:30172. (共同通訊作者)
19. Xing K, Zhu F, Zhai L, Chen S, Tan Z, Sun Y, Hou Z*, Wang C*: Identification of genes for controlling swine adipose deposition by integrating transcriptome, whole-genome resequencing, and quantitative trait loci data. Sci Rep 2016, 6:23219. (共同通訊作者)
20. Xing K, Zhu F, Zhai L, Liu H, Wang Y, Wang Z, Chen S, Hou Z*, Wang C*: Integration of transcriptome and whole genomic resequencing data to identify key genes affecting swine fat deposition. PLOS ONE 2015, 10(4):e122396. (共同通訊作者)
21. Zhu F, Yuan JM, Zhang ZH, Hao JP, Yang YZ, Hu SQ, Yang FX, Qu LJ, Hou ZC: De novo transcriptome assembly and identification of genes associated with feed conversion ratio and breast muscle yield in domestic ducks. ANIM GENET 2015, 46(6):636-645. (通訊作者)
22. Sui L, An L, Tan K, Wang Z, Wang S, Miao K, Ren L, Tao L, He S, Yu Y et al: Dynamic proteomic profiles of in vivo- and in vitro-produced mouse postimplantation extraembryonic tissues and placentas. BIOL REPROD 2014, 91(6):155. (共同通訊作者)
23. Xing K, Zhu F, Zhai L, Liu H, Wang Z, Hou Z*, Wang C*: The liver transcriptome of two full-sibling Songliao black pigs with extreme differences in backfat thickness. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 2014, 5(1):32. (共同通訊作者)
24. Zhang Q, Liu L, Zhu F, Ning Z, Hincke MT, Yang N, Hou Z: Integrating de novo transcriptome assembly and cloning to obtain chicken Ovocleidin-17 full-length cDNA. PLOS ONE 2014, 9(3):e93452. (通訊作者)
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